Blog 8/3/23 – Napa Wilderness Races Volunteering!

I volunteered for this collection of races this past Saturday. Past MRTW guest Todd Glieden race director of Bay Trail Racing hosted this terrific day, so it was lots of fun helping him out.
Our mutual friend Michael drove up from Vegas to help out as well. He picked me up at the ungodly hour of 4:45am and we headed up to Napa Valley for the race.
It was a lovely day and fortunately, not that warm. All day, it hovered around the mid-80s, which was plenty hot, but not too hot.
I had parking lot duty, which was fine. I made sure everyone using the special parking area were runners or volunteers. Everyone was so friendly. I’m missed spending time with other trail runners! Being without a car limits me so much. I know it’s temporary, and I know that I will be spending more and more on the trails in the future. I am determined to make the next year and a half time with lots of running! And it won’t just be in San Francisco. I will be traveling.
Back to the race…. by mid-afternoon I was done. I had spent all day in the sun and anyone who was going to use the parking area was already there, so I went up to the Start/Finish area and waited for Michael.
Skyline Wilderness Park in Napa is a deceptively large area. There are lots of tree-dotted hills, with miles of trails. There are a couple of lakes as well, although I didn’t get the chance to check out any of the trails. I was stuck in the parking lot for most of the day. And that’s OK. I helped Todd with his race. Perhaps next year I’ll be able to run one of the distances of this race. I suggest you do too.