Episode 114 – Runner Jim Pacelli Talks About Marathons and Rock & Roll

How do you fit a busy life filled with working concerts and running marathons? Jim Pacelli tells us how he did it for years. I’ll let him tell you about his stories, including the Marines Marathon and how he suffered from LA…. Jim is a great storyteller!

Rob Rhodes fights cancer

Lance of Skitzo wrote & performed all the music in this episode


2 thoughts on “Episode 114 – Runner Jim Pacelli Talks About Marathons and Rock & Roll”

  1. Martha…I had no idea what you’ve been up to, let alone any knowledge of you running a podcast. Hugs, dear!!! I think the last time we talked was at the Fillmore, for some event of BGSE. (maybe). Nevertheless, I miss you and all the Fillmore/Warfield family, as I have not worked there since 2013, or ’14.
    It’s so good to hear your voice, and also Jim’s. I still work with Jim, a lot, selling merchandise, and he will always be one of my favorite people! This interview was heartfelt and informative. But the best part was hearing your giggle (I always thought you had a great giggle) and knowing when Jim was smiling, by the inflections in his voice. Ahh, family…we’re everywhere…love and light, and hippie hugs…trish the dish…the other white meat, and still crazy after all these years…

    1. Awww……it’s wonderful to hear from you too!! I miss seeing all of you! I hope you’re well. Take care and thank you so much!

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